Two years later she was still finding her way at a newspaper that had been suffering losses of$ 1 million a year when she proposed that Mr. Bradlee join The Post as a deputy managing editor. 两年后,她依然未能在这家年亏损100万美元的报纸找到出路。她提议布拉德利加入邮报,担任执行副主编。
The file will go to the Post editor. 文件就会转到文章编辑器。
Felt got the nickname from a Washington Post editor because he anonymously leaked crucial information about Nixon administration corruption to Post reporter Bob Woodward. 菲尔特由于华盛顿邮报的一篇社论而得到这个别名。他匿名向华盛顿邮报记者鲍勃。
The story was in-deed run with banner headlines-and to everyone's surprise did no harm either to the circulation of the Post or to the standing of its editor. 两家对手的确大张旗鼓地报道了此事。奇怪的是,这既没有影响到邮报的发行,也没有影响爱德华的声望。
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, you can also drag and drop the file into Post editor. 如果你正在使用MozillaFirefox,你也可以将文件拖放到文章编辑器中。
Prior to this he was Beijing business correspondent for the South China Morning Post for two years, and chief editor of the China economic review. 在此之前,他是北京商务通讯员南中国morning邮政两年,首席中国经济评论的编辑。
The writer is vice president at large and former executive editor of the Washington Post. 本文作者是《华盛顿邮报》(thewashingtonpost)副总裁、前执行主编。
In Write and Edit post there is now a tag entry field below the editor. 在写和编辑文章处,在编辑器下面现在有一个标签输入区。
"The Japanese ambassador to China has, in the past, held the post for about four years, so it cannot be helped if he is seen to have been replaced," said Takao toshikawa, editor of insideline, a political newsletter. “以往日本驻华大使的任期为大约4年,因此他难免会被视为遭到撤换,”政治时事通讯《insideline》主编takaotoshikawa表示。
He is engaged in medium edition and publication continuously, which includes book and newspaper. He holds the post of magazine periodical chief editor and newspaper editor-in-chief. 他一直从事书报刊等媒介的编辑出版工作,长期担任期刊的主编和报纸的主笔。